Tuesday, December 7, 2010


This was my speech when I was second year college. Simple and short but if you tried to give a heart understanding the thought of  what I want to portray for every daughters and son's. You might say, yes! its the reality of life being a student and a teen from broke family. For the student if you read this post, you can tell to your self, its time for change and do the right thing for my future. I keep this speech because I want to make it real. Means I want to be a real student, be a professional someday and model of all youngster's. Years after ,look what I am now. I have my decent work and I finish my four year course. Whew! thanks to God he guide me of what path to take and of course with the guidance of my parent's.

Readers after you read this post its either your a parent now or a daughter/son. Take a paused ask your self  "Am I good daughter/son to my parent's? or  Did I give courage to my daughters/son to pursue their study? Obstacle of your life journey is not a hindrance to achieve your goal nor a reason not to pursue your study. Take a look at this true to life story speech.

          " Life is what we make it, its a choice we had. A game to win or loose. God created everything we can see all beautiful things.  As human, not all the time were happy sometimes there are trials that quite lead us to sadness. Rich people are lucky one, they can get what they want and has everything that  make them enjoy every single minute of the day. We should always bear in mind these wealth are useless if not manage wisely. If we are not smart enough in the game of this wealth then it goes like a wind and fade away in just twink of an eye. So, I come up with this "Education is important thing". I decided to apply as working student because I know that my parent's cant afford to send me in college. Blessing in disguise that I was hired then and assigned at the President's Office. People around me thought everyday I'm happy but if they just know the truth behind those jokes and smiles. I smiled even I have lots of struggles as a working students, pretending that i am happy even my heart is bleeding. Onetime, I ask myself  "Where's God now? Why he didn't help me?" But at the end I realized its in the song I found answer for all my questions, "GOD will make a way where there seems to be no way". Yes, its true because I'm not here standing in-front of you studying, chatting with my co-students if he didn't help me, if he didn't make a way. For those student like me be "PROUD OF YOURSELF!." The best thing you did is that you help your family not just your self in a way of BEING A WORKING STUDENT. That you are not dependent on their income. It's so hard to be a WORKING STUDENT, youre always busy, you cannot eat if task is not yet finished. But one thing I could advice to my CO-WORKING STUDENTS is that "BE PATIENT, PUT GOD FIRST IN EVERYTHING YOU DO AND YOU CAN ACHIEVE YOUR GOAL QUITE SOON". 
           According to my Mama and Papa, "EDUCATION IS THE ONLY THING THAT IS OUR FORTUNE WHERE IT CAN'T BE SOLD NOR PAWNED AND CAN'T BE STOLEN BY OTHERS". Education will last and it is the only thing that our poor parent's can give. To my co-student be thankful that we are here in school. Everything will fade away and I know that when time comes that our parent's will leaved ahead of us, we can stand alone. I know that nobody here wants to lose his or her beloved parent's but we must accept it that no one will stay longer here in this world. As students, we must focus on our studies and who knows time comes that you will be the "President of your own school or the President of the Philippines". I know its possible but if strive to be then why not?. All of this will come into reality if were serious on our studies, for those WHO ARE NOT, time is running there's still a BIG chance to CHANGE!."

Readers hope you learned something out of this post. .......Thanks for reading....
